What does it take to save a panda from extinction … never mind saving the world?

I am a huge fan of Swedish House Mafia and convinced that I shall save the world tonight. In a way. Ok a little bit. Wait, tomorrow I shall. Tonight I don’t have the time. Have to first make me nice pesto wrap…

And that is exactly the point – where to start and what to do?

One light-bulb at a time, one panda at a time, one cheque to Amnesty International, a few extra cents to the beggar on the street corner?

Seriously what does it take to stop rhino poaching , shark finning, the global recession and Madonna from realizing that Lady Gaga is much hotter?

I’m sometimes, dumbfounded, baffled and bedazzled by the world we live in – it never cease to amaze and in the same breathe, to disappoint.

I found a part of my answer for my panda question … like most of life’s profound and less profound questions… answers are to be found in the most unlikely places … whilst shopping … simply stated – buy & wear panda panties!

So from now on I shall wear my Panda panties and raise awareness and somehow save these cute creatures from extinction or so I hope (oh sic) and that the world will become a better place. Perhaps if we cutify sharks and rhinos and let them put them on the same cutsey platform as tigers, pandas and unicorns, the world may pay more attention … and wear shark-printed panties instead … 😉 # SHARKASM!

I shall leave you with these words to light the way …

#Ghandi said – be the change you want to see in the world!

Muchos beijos*

Disclaimer: Sharkasm was used throughout this post to help see and enjoy the lighter and funnier side of life and this bizarre planet we stay on 😉 …